Viracocha wife
Apu Kon-Tiki Virakoča (kečuánsky Apu Qun Tiksi Wiraqucha či Wiraquĉa[1]) je jedno z hlavních inckých božstev.
Inca gods
Viracocha, Wiracocha ou Huiracocha (em quíchua: Apu Kun Tiqsi Wiraqutra) é a divindade invisível, criadora do mundo na cosmovisão inca [1][2], considerado como o esplendor .
Viracocha meaning
In Inka cosmology, springs were often regarded as sacred, and the association with the temple and the volcano may suggest that the spring at Raqch'i, with its fountains, was conceived of as the place of origin of the K'ana people mentioned in the legend of Viracocha.
Viracocha jesus
Hatun Tópac, después llamado Huiracocha Inca (quechua: Wiraqucha Inka, 'el inca de Huiracocha'), fue el octavo gobernante del Curacazgo del Cuzco.